
Where the Word is preached.

Where we worship together.

Where discipleship matters.
Worship with us
Join us on Sunday mornings at 11:00 a.m.

What we believe
South Side Baptist Church is a historic Baptist church that is affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention, the Alabama Baptist State Convention, and the Franklin County Baptist Association. We affirm and adhere to the Baptist Faith and Message (2000) as our statement of faith.
Sermons and messages
We believe that the gospel should be preached from the Bible as written.
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Our mission is to glorify Christ Jesus through worship, service,
and the spreading of the gospel.
Connect with us
We'd love to answer any questions or have you with us in services.
12215 Hwy 43
Russellville, AL
Email Address
Service Times
Sunday School at 10:00 A.M. Morning Worship at 11:00 A.M. Wednesday Bible Study at 6 P.M.